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Gwybodaeth i Ymwelwyr ac Atyniadau yn y Gogledd Cymru

Nid yn unig beicio mynydd rhagorol sydd gennym yng Ngogledd Cymru, mae yna lu o bethau eraill i’w gwneud o deithiau cerdded gwych, cestyll, adeiladau a gerddi hanesyddol, trefi marchnad, camlesi, canŵio, cyrsiau rhaffau uchel, parciau gwledig, dringo … os gallwch chi feddwl amdano, mi fydd o i’w gael yma. Am syniadau o lefydd i ymweld;

  • Llefydd i ymwled yn Sir Ddinbych

    Ble i ddechrau? Gallwch hedfan dros yr enfys mewn balwn poeth. Gallwch edrych am ddreigiau mewn coedwigoedd, Neu gallwch siopa am gaws mewn un o’n gwyliau bwyd. Beth bynnag sydd yn cymryd eich ffansi – gallwch chi ei wneud o yma.

  • Llefydd i ymweld yng Nghonwy

    Y mae Sir Conwy yn fach, felly does dim rhaid i chi fynd ymhell i ddarganfod pethau grêt i wneud ac i weld. Fel y sŵ ger Bae Colwyn, y stiwdio crochenwaith a lluniau yn Llandudno, neu y cwrs antur yn y coed ym Metws y Coed Conwy, felly y mae yn berffaith am ddiwrnodau allan i’r teulu. Y mae ein mannau rhamantus yn berffaith i ddau. Ymwelwch a’r gerddi prydferth yn Bodnant, neu gwylltineb unig Gwarchodfa Natur Pensychnant.

  • Llefydd i ymweld yng Ngogledd Cymru

    Bach yw Gogledd Cymru. Ond mae ein rhestr o atyniadau yn fawr. Gallwch ymweld ar brodorion yn warchodfa natur yr RSPB yng Nghonwy, neu y dim mor frodorol yn Pili Palas. Cymerwch y trên i ben yr Wyddfa, neu ewch yn ddwfn i’r mynydd yn Elidir. Crwydrwch un o 11 eiddo yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol, y mae Erddig yn dod gyda pharcdir eang (yr union beth i losgi y te Cymreig yna i ffwrdd). A thra yr ydych y tu allan, gallwch fynd ar pedair olwyn ym Mharc Glasfyn, neu roi cynnig ar bownsio ar y clustog bownsio cyntaf i ddod i Gymru ym Mharc Coedwig Greenwood. A dyna’r trafferth gyda Gogledd Cymru – beth i wneud nesaf?

  • Llefydd i ymweld yn Eryri

    Y mae’r mynyddoedd mwyaf yng Nghymru a Lloegr i’w cael yma ym Mharc Cenedlaethol Eryri. Y mae yna hefyd arfordir hir gyda traethau tywodlyd, clogwyni a morydiau godidog, sydd ar hyd Penrhyn LlÅ·n wedi cael eu diogelu fel Ardal o Harddwch Naturiol Eithriadol.

  • Canolfan Croeso Llangollen

    Y Capel,
    Heol y Castell,
    Sir Ddinbych
    LL20 8NU

    Ffôn: 01978 860828

  • Canolfan Croeso Rhyl

    The Village,
    West Parade,
    Sir Ddinbych
    LL18 1HZ

    Ffôn: 01745 355068

  • Canolfan Croeso yr Wyddgrug

    Llynfrgell, Amgueddfa a Galeri
    Earl Road,
    Yr Wyddgrug
    Sir y Fflint
    CH7 1AP

    Ffôn: 01352 759331


  • Canolfan Croeso Wrexham

    Lambpit Street,
    LL11 1AY
    Outside the UK, Telephone: +44 1978 292015
    UK Telephone: 01978 292015

  • Stand Up Paddle Board UK

    An adventure sport for all ages and abilities, why not try your hand at stand up paddle boarding on the River Dee?

    Coed y Glyn Farm
    LL21 9BP
    Tel.: 01490 430725

  • Llangollen Railway

    A lovely journey along part of the old railway line that use to run from Ruabon to Barmouth route in North Wales before it was closed in the 1960s. Heritage trains now operate at weekends for most of the year, and all week from June to October. During the summer, most trains are steam-hauled; at other times diesel locomotives or railcars may be used.

    For more information:

    Llangollen Railway
    The Station
    Abbey Road
    LL20 8SN

    01978 860951


    Offering a range of activities from rafting, canoeing, kayaking, climbing, abseiling, laser clay shooting, archery, gorge walking and quad biking. Situated on the banks of the River Dee just a short walk west of Llangollen town. The centre is owned and run by Jim Jayes who is a former world champion and Olympic coach, so whatever your level of ability you can be sure we will be able to serve your needs. An excellent and easy introduction to river sports is to ride the rapids in one of our inflatable rafts. However lessons are also available in canoeing and abseiling. Equipment is available for professionals and wetsuits are £3 per session. Overnight accommodation and camping is also available.

    Telephone: 01978 860763
    Fax: 01978 860763

  • Pen y bryn farm

    Owls, Falconry, Llama, Donkey, Goats, Rabbits, Geese and much more.
    Picnic area, Nature Trail, Play Area, Cafe, Disabled Access

    Opening Times – Open Easter to September 15th
    6 Days a week (Sunday to Monday) 10am – 5pm
    Contact – Tel: 01490 420244
    Where – on B5105 Cerrigydrudion to Ruthin Rd.

  • The Fifties Museum at Cai Dai

    Classic cars & the lorry used in the GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY.
    Displays of furniture, Boxing & Show Business Paraphernalia from the 1950’s
    Tea room, Shop, Picnic area

    Opening Times – 10am til 4pm Easter – October
    Contact – Tel: 01745 812107 or 817004
    Where – On B4501 Nantglyn to Denbigh Rd

  • Llyn Brenig Sailing Club

    Description – Inexpensive, friendly, family sailing.
    Training for adults and juniors.
    Mixed class handicap racing. Boats and facilities for disabled.

    Opening Times – Open April to November, Open – Sunday
    Tel: 01352 755608

  • Rhyl Seaquarium

    Situated on the promenade at Rhyl, North Wales.
    Walk through the under water tunnel – the first one in Wales – and get really close to our wonderful creatures without actually getting wet! Explore and walk from cold fresh water lakes high in the mountains, down to the shore and out into the waves. Then dive down onto the continental shelf, follow it as it goes deeper and deeper, until finally it falls away, down into the deep abyss. Along the way you will see hundreds of animals from many different species, including salamanders that never grow up, animals with lots of legs but no bones, frogs that think they’re skydivers and a moray eel disguised as a zebra.

    With regular talks, touchpools and feeding demonstrations, there is something for everyone.

    The Centre is wheelchair/pushchair friendly and has a fantastic choice of snacks and meals in the restaurant, an amazing variety of souvenirs in the gift shop and a fun adventure play area and outdoor patio.

    Open daily from 10.00 am (please call for Winter opening times.)

    Seaquarium Rhyl
    East Parade
    LL18 3AF
    Tel: 01745 344660

  • Llandegla Forest

    Llandegla Forest, owned by UPM Tilhill, is one of the best places for mountain biking in the UK, with trails suitable for beginners, families and those who want to be challenged! Routes include beginners, intermediate, red and black runs. Walking routes are also available through the Forest. One Planet Adventure run an award winning cafe and bike shop on site, where you can hire a bike or buy absolutely anything you might need from a tube or even a bike.

    Why not go and see one of Wales’ rarest birds, the Black Grouse at Coed Llandegla in the spring time with the RSPB? – but remember you have to get up early!

    Coed Llandegla Forest

    Ruthin Road, Llandegla

    Denbighshire LL11 3AA
    Telephone: 01978 751656

  • Llyn Brenig Visitor Centre and Cafe

    Visitors can relax over coffee, lunch or tea in the Lakeside Cafe whilst enjoying panoramic views over the reservouir. Take a walk, go on your bike or enjoy an archeological walk, buy a gift from the shop, and have an enjoyable day out in this fantastic landscape.

    Open all year round 10:00am – 5:00pm (7 days a week)
    Tel – 01490 420463
    Grid Reference: SH968548

  • The Riverside Chocolate House & Tea Room

    A great range of handmade chocolates with a superb choice of chocolate drinks made with real chocolate.

    Opening Times Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
    10am until 5pm
    From 1st March to 31st December
    Clive & Janice Hague
    Ty Siocled Glanrafon
    The Riverside Chocolate House
    Betws – Y – Coed
    Conwy, LL24 0LE
    Tel: 01690 770296

  • Abseil uk

    We can give you a thrill you won`t forget – abseiling into the 120ft Devil`s Gorge. Your instructor will introduce you to the equipment and give you a short training lecture, then you abseil down the 75⁰ slope – The Slide. You now have an option. You can wimp out and repeat The Slide or go the full test and abseil the 120ft Overhang. This is real nerve racking stuff. A free hang (no body contact with the rock!!) abseil.

    For further information:

    Llandegla Road
    Llanarmon yn Ial
    CH7 4QX

    07950 103872
    0800 4488077

  • Cadw

    To find out more about heritage buildings in the Clwydian Range, Dee Valley, Conwy and surrounding area visit
    Cadw’s mission is to protect, conserve, and to promote an appreciation of the built heritage of Wales.

Dyma wefannau sydd o ddefnydd i chi pan allan o gwmpas yng Ngogledd Cymru, o wybodaeth twristiaeth i wybodaeth feicio.


    Mae’r enw’n ddigon. Os ydych chi’n hoffi beicio mynydd ac awydd gweld be’ sy gan Gymru i’w chynnig, dyma’r wefan i chi. Canolfannau llwybrau untrac pob tywydd trawiadol, prif fannau lawr allt a rhydd-feicio, beicio’r gwyllt a’r gwledig trwy rai o olygfeydd mwya’ aruthrol Prydain. Mae popeth yma, ynghyd â chronfa ddata sylweddol o leoliadau safonol i aros.


    Rhaid cyfaddef: mae’r enw Ardal Harddwch Naturiol Eithriadol Bryniau Clwyd a Dyffryn Dyfrdwy yn llond ceg. Ond mae ‘na gymaint yno. Cadwyn ddramatig o fryniau porffor a chlogwyni calchfaen. Mynyddoedd garw, gwyllt. Pensaernïaeth ganoloesol drawiadol. Dwy dref glan yr afon fyrlymus. Safle Treftadaeth Byd. A golygfa ar ôl golygfa.


    Mae Ardal y Gororau o fewn tafliad teiar. Mae’n rhannu ffin gyda Swyddi Amwythig a Chaer. Gwerth awr o siwrne car o Fanceinion a Lerpwl a 90 munud o Firmingham. Ond yma mae man cyfarfod dau ddiwylliant ac mae’n ddymunol o wahanol.


    Tipyn o gamp ydi rhestrau popeth sy i’w wneud yn Llandudno, cyrchfan glan-môr mwya’ Cymru. Heb sôn am Safle Treftadaeth Byd Castell Conwy, gerddi enwog Bodnant a’r cyrsiau golff chwedlonol. Ond mae’r wefan hon yn rhoi cynnig arni. Ac mae dolen fideo ichi gael gweld y llefydd yma hefyd.


    Dwy gyrchfan glan-môr enwog gyda saith milltir o draeth tywod di-dor. Ac wedi eu cysylltu, fel mae’n digwydd, trwy Lwybr Beicio Cenedlaethol rhif 5. Felly, gallwch adeiladu castell tywod ym Mhrestatyn, beicio ar hyd y promenâd a bachu hufen iâ yn Y Rhyl.


    Fe wyddwn eich bod wrth eich bodd ar gefn beic drwy’r dydd. A pham lai os ydi’r llwybrau cystal â’r rhain? Ond mae angen hoe fach ar bawb. Felly allan o’r cyfrwy â chi a mentrwch rywbeth arall. Penwythnos bach rhamantus, er enghraifft, neu un o’n digwyddiadau neu brif wyliau.

  • Chwilio am Lwybr

  • Mynediad Cyfrifol

    • Ffeithiau Rhostir Grug
      Mae 75% o rostir grugog y byd i’w ganfod yma yn y DU. Mae gennym gyfrifoldeb tuag at ei iechyd a’i gynhyrchiant.