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Llandegla and Ruabon Moorland

Posted by on 8th March 2018
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Sustainable Access on Ruabon Moor

Ruabon moor is the huge moorland next to Coed Llandegla (Oneplanet Adventure). We have been working with the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB and Oneplanet Adventure on a campaign to raise awareness of the sensitive nature of the moorland and where to walk and ride responsibly in the area.

Coed Llandegla

You can find out more below through our facts, videos and pick up or download a leaflet.
Follow the campaign on social media @RideNorthWales and @clwyd_dee_aonb

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      Limestone scree escarpments are fragile landforms that we maintain in as natural a condition as possible. North Wales has some of the best examples in Britain!