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Bod Petryal

Easy | Less than 5km | 1hrs

Route Description

Start point: Bod Petryal car park (B5105)
Grid reference: SJ 036513

This short, meandering route through the forest is perfect for the family. With ample parking and toilet facilities at the start point. This area of the forest is one of the last strongholds of the Red Squirrel and is popular with many other animals and birds such as the otter, green finch and woodpecker. This really is one of the most pleasant areas of Clocaenog forest, and after the bike ride why not enjoy a picnic by the lake?


On The Map

Address: Start point: Bod Petryal car park (B5105) Grid reference: SJ 036513
Area: North Wales
Visit Wales Grading: 5*****
Grade: Easy
Height Climbed (metres): 60
Route Type: Mountain Bike Trail
Ride Time (hours): 1
Distance: Less than 5km
OS Map Required: OS Explorer 264
Trail Facilities: Local

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